Published on February 20th, 2014 | by Dale Webb
0New Information Hub page added
As of today you may have noticed a new page has been added to the site named “Information Hub” and this will be where links to online articles and research can be found for those looking to gather as much information as possible in relation to low latent inhibition (LLI). The link to the page can be taken here.
If there are any articles or links that you believe should be included on this page then please use the comments box at the bottom of that page or e-mail us on (will be replaced shortly by a new e-mail address which i will change in this article).
Alternatively if anyone visiting this website has written their own articles in relation to low latent inhibition or has some of their own research they would like us to post or share, please contact us using the above methods.
I hope this makes gathering information much easier for everyone seeking it, and I’m sure that the page will evolve as time goes by!