About us
This website was created by a group of people living with LLI, that have come together to try to provide useful and relevant information to anyone who seeks it. We have done so due to the lack of readily available material or research in the area; which results in not only a high number of misdiagnoses but also makes learning to live with low latent inhibition an extremely challenging experience.
It is our goal to ensure that the content of our resource and discovery centre appeals to everybody and offers a unique and insightful experience to all who come here.
Living with low latent inhibition ourselves, has allowed us to combine many of our individual experiences and ongoing research in an effort to provide the most effective help and advice that we can. Whether you think you may have low latent inhibition yourself or are a parent or loved one who would like to know as much as possible about life with LLI, we hope you find everything that you come here for.
Due to the nature of low latent inhibition and its link with creativity we have also decided to include a gallery section; for those who wish to further explore the different and unique forms of expression and art that can come from those with LLI. We feel that this will help show how broad a spectrum there can be in terms of the difference between one individual with low latent inhibition and another. Just as personality types differ, so too do the effects of LLI.
Throughout the site you will find information on each of us so that you are able to better relate to and understand the how great the contrast is between one person with LLI and another. If you would like to contact any of us for any reason, whether it be a question that you feel may be answered better by one of us in particular, or anything else then please do so.
We welcome you to the low latent inhibition resource and discovery centre and hope that it makes the difference we aim to achieve.
I’m so glad a site like this exists! I have been struggling with many of the same problems other have that have posted on this web site. I am actively seeking treatment for this, ADHD, etc. I am looking for ways to get properly diagnosed and to gain perspective on this internal, mental battle I’ve been having with myself for the past decade. I fascinated by the science and psychology of this all and the information I’ve gained about LLI has helped me released a lot of shame a guilt about trying to “fix” myself! A reply to this would be much appreciated! Thanks!
im not from this page… and its more than a year later than your post… but you asked for a reply, and im here. nice to contact another one. soooo much shame and guilt. we are not broken, chris, we are advanced. same level of removal but the other direction. you dont have add or adhd, you are not defective. you are equally removed from the norm, but farther up the ladder, not down it. continue down the rabbit hole, friend. embrace your brain power.
i have been looking for an answer for so long… a friend of mind pointed this out in an article he read a while back, and i began to research it. i am so relieved to have a place in the universe now. this was such a fantastic discovery. nail on the head. i needed to learn that i have LLI. so many things explained. so much relief. thank you for consolidating into a source. i’m in tears right now. i am this personality trait. i never knew there were more. i thought i was insane.
I have many questions and a lot of interests in this and I think I live with LLI , I am from China and hope someone would contact me soon
I am LLI. i create and command mine
LLi – All of that pros and cons happens to me and while reading those, all of that what happened to me all these past years were running through my brain
For every part of the human condition, from arms and legs to navels, hair, bones and hormones, for body parts seen and unseen, there is a range of appearances and test results. The same applies to brains. LLI appears to be yet another label / diagnosis for a specific combination of symptoms from the wide variety of brains out there. I’m speculating that, as with various body parts, hormones and fluids, various parts of the brain are different sizes and have differing interconnections. And all of this results in a multitude of overlapping conditions that someone labels normal vs. abnormal. It sure would we boring if everyone was “normal.”
For those who do not possess a particularly high IQ, such as myself, this condition is an occasional nightmare. Public places like stores and events become periods of mental strain. I had been diagnosed in my earlier years but the expectation of great things as a result were not realised, and instead have left me unable to stand in crowds for long periods of time. The conversations, the movements, the smells of perfume, deodorant and body odour alike.. This is what LLI is like for those who cannot handle it. I hope whoever reads this, and can empathise, can take solace in the fact they are not alone.
Been there became acutely agoraphobic, disociated, addicted to whatever ‘helped’ me cope at the time, unable to hold a job down, hearing voices, oddly it seemed to go after I decided people were all shit. Full stop. Still processing that years on, but after a diagnosis of schizophrenia, prison, type 1 diabetes. I finally have the had the balls to kick my ‘friends’, parents, social workers out my life, and I am joining anonymous. And today have discovered the idea of habit, linking in with a sense-memory-intellectual principle my mind habitually does that should ensure I am as fully normal as tom, dick and harry which works shitting wonders for me since “the chip on my shoulder” as long since grown into a potato, and these days sarcasm of one and all is my way of managing not wanting to have a trace of empathy which will never be returned to this shithole of human race.
Hi – Let us know about the steps and how to treat the disease.lli. Thanks
I have found myself seeing lli in many people, friends and newcomers entering into my life, and talk through the pros and cons -over 15 people have gone onto our website and get it- get into researching it and start to get themselves- we need to get a cure- in the meantime weed-marijuana, seems the closest thing to a medicinal aid,helping this condition,. I say that in a limited capacity, 5 of the 15 say this helps them slow down their brain, and 5 of these form 5 of the 9 that also smoke weed.
That said, many lli people i smoke weed but many may not and may not want to for whatever reasons- may be worth a go , but it can’t slow down the reality -their inhibitors won’t rest for long.
I am pleased to be able to act as an intermediary and this site has helped a good percentage of people i have thought would be interested in this finding. If they are you can be sure it is the right site for them.
I am convinced my son has LLI. Where can we find a doctor who is aware of LLI and can diagnose it?
Do you have any suggestion for a doctor that could diagnose this pathology?
Best regards,
Pietro Locatelli