Dale Webb – Indigo Children – Children with high functioning low latent inhibition?
The topic of Indigo children has become a recent fascination of mine after having seen some information regarding them during a few conversations with other people who have low latent inhibition. I had never come across this topic before but the second I started reading about it I had what felt like one of those light bulb moments (one of those tunnel vision moments that happen with LLI where at that moment in time, nothing else matters except making sure you go into the greatest depth possible regarding your area of interest). I then spent quite some time reading into all of the different traits, characteristics and associations that have been made in relation to indigo children but I couldn’t find anything solid that stated WHY they are how they are or why they can do the things they can do.
Back when I was 6-7 years old my parents took me to see a child psychologist, mainly due to the fact that I was being very disruptive in classes at school, would get wound up and frustrated incredibly often and easily and would then end up getting in trouble with the teachers for my behaviour, or getting into fights with other pupils (these fights would occur when I felt that other pupils who were being picked on needed my help to stop the injustice being done). The weird thing was that despite all of the above, I was regularly achieving the highest marks in classes, finishing all my work first before anybody else, I had many friends, was very sensitive regarding feeling and emotions and had an extreme sense of justice. I ended up moving schools at a young age because of how I didn’t ever seem to ‘fit in’ like normal children, but there was never a clear reason why. After having been to see the child psychologist they basically told my parents that I was ‘gifted’, was very intelligent but that maybe I had ADHD or that I was possibly somewhere on the autism spectrum. They could not give a clear answer and so the mystery continued until at 24 I finally found out about low latent inhibition.
Due to my nature (and I imagine my LLI is a huge part of this), I cannot ever stop looking into something until I have the answer I seek. I will relentlessly pursue something until I feel I have reached a satisfactory outcome or gained the correct amount of knowledge that I feel I require. Due to the fact that the last few years I have been looking into all aspects, effects, traits and characteristics of low latent inhibition among an ever increasing number of people, I have come to realise that my low latent inhibition is definitely responsible for the way I was when I was a child as well as the way I am now. This got me thinking…………going by everything I have read then I would definitely have been an ‘indigo child’ myself, yet if the term ‘Indigo Child’ is the label for something, could that something actually be ‘high functioning children who are the way they are because they have low latent inhibition’?
Here is some information about indigo children taken from http://www.2012-spiritual-growth-prophecies.com/indigo-child.html
The Indigo Child and how to recognise one
The indigo child is here to bring us closer to our true essence. We think our minds are separate because of our bodies. These children know differently. A true indigo travels comfortably between worlds usually at night when we think they’re asleep.
Our thoughts and feelings are not our own. The truth is, we have forgotten who we are and how our minds are connected to each other. Indigo children remember and have an inner knowing that far exceeds our psychic abilities.
Having said this. Not all children born since about 1980 are indigos. Many brought major challenges from previous lifetimes they’re still working through. But, once the lessons are learned and the patterns forgiven, they will join the ranks of the cosmic caring indigo.
“The intricate inner workings of our DNA are changing…Brain-wave relationships are spontaneously moving into higher vibrational patterning as the electromagnetic fields within our DNA. Because of this, our brains are working together as cohesive units of consciousness. That means humanity is becoming more aware and moving toward becoming sentient beings – aware of everything all at once all of the time.” Conversations with the Children of Now, Meg Blackburn Losey
Where did the term Indigo Child come from?
Nancy Ann Tappe, a teacher and counsellor, studied the human auric field, otherwise known as their electromagnetic field. The field surrounds every living thing. She even wrote a book about it called “Understanding Your Life Through Colour.”
Through colours in the aura, she instituted a shockingly accurate and revealing way to psychologically profile a person using her new auric colour method. The signs of an indigo child actually began even as early as in the 1950s with a few people. What she noticed was that 80 percent of the children born after 1980 had a new deep blue coloured auric field. She called this new colour “indigo”.
The following sections in relation to behavioural patterns and characteristics is very interesting, I imagine that anyone who believes they have low latent inhibition will have experienced nearly all of the following:
What are the behavioural patterns of Indigos?
- They are born feeling and knowing they are special and should be revered.
- An indigo knows they belong here as they are and expect you to realize it as well.
- These children are more confident and have a higher sense of self-worth.
- Absolute authority, the kind with no choices, negotiation, or input from them does not sit well. The educational system is a good example.
- Some of the rules we so carefully followed as children seem silly to them and they fight them.
- Rigid ritualistic systems are considered archaic to an indigo child. They feel everything should be given creative thought.
- They are insightful and often have a better idea of method then what has been in place for years. This makes them seem like “system busters.”
- Adults often view an indigo as anti-social unless they are with other indigos. Often they feel lost and misunderstood, which causes them to go within.
- The old control methods like, “Wait till your father gets home,” have no effect on these children.
- The fulfilment of their personal needs is important to them, and they will let you know.
Are you or your children Indigo?
These are the characteristics of an indigo as stated in The Care and Feeding of Your Indigo Child:
- Strong willed
- Born in 1978 or later
- Headstrong
- Creative, with an artistic flair for music, jewellery making, poetry, etc.
- Prone to addictions
- An “old soul” as if they’re 13 going on 43
- Intuitive or psychic, possibly with a history of seeing angels or deceased people
- An isolationist, either through aggressive acting-out, or through fragile introversion
- Independent and proud, even if they’re constantly asking you for money
- Possess a deep desire to help the world in a big way
- Wavers between low self-esteem and grandiosity
- Bores easily
- Has probably been diagnosed as having ADD or ADHD
- Prone to insomnia, restless sleep, nightmares, or difficulty/fear of falling asleep
- Has a history of depression, or even suicidal thoughts or attempts
- Looks for real, deep, and lasting friendships
- Easily bonds with plants or animals.
I would now like to offer my own personal explanations as to WHY I believe each of the characteristics in the second grouping exist, in relation to low latent inhibition.
- Strong willed – This is often due to the fact that people with low latent inhibition have an incredibly strong and accurate intuition which has been based on the sheer volume of stimuli that their brains have recognised and processed within their environment. If you imagine that there have been 500 forms of contributing stimuli that have been taken into account when making an intuitive decision, knowing that people without low latent inhibition will have had far less stimuli to take into consideration (say for examples sake 50-100) when making their decision or giving their opinion, people with low latent inhibition will really dig in deep in terms of keeping their own decision/opinion or piece of intuition right up there as something to be highly regarded. This usually however comes across as arrogance to people with LLI.
- This is one of the things that I have yet to figure out – WHY the year 1978 in particular? There must be a reason, a connection to be made in terms of why it’s 1978 or later specifically when indigo children are believed to have been born? I have currently been trying to research into whether there was any particular piece of scientific or psychological technology released in 1977, 1978 or 1979 that would inadvertently help to highlight the existence of low latent inhibition. OR, were there any writings published during those years that somehow raised awareness as to the traits that come with low latent inhibition? There is a link to the Wikipedia page for 1978 located HERE if anyone cares to have a go!
- Pretty much the same reasons as number 1, those with low latent inhibition often know that they are ‘absorbing’ so much more of what goes on around them than people without low latent inhibition so they can often through no fault of their own find it quite hard to consider the opinions or feelings of others, or to dismiss them far too quickly.
- This is one of the classic low latent inhibition traits, creativity. Seeing connections everywhere no matter how loose those connections or associations may be. A great way of spotting this is whether you’ve ever noticed that you mind tends to associate sounds with smells, sights with sounds, taste with smells etc. in a much more eccentric or ‘all over the place’ way than other people around you. Even those who have schizophrenia, psychosis or are on the autism spectrum are usually extremely creative – many believe this is because they also have low latent inhibition, but they usually aren’t able to cope with it (or with the constant extreme load of stimuli their brains must handle). That is often why people on the autism spectrum find solace in regular routine, lack of change and when experiencing repetitive stimuli.
- People with LLI are often prone to addictions in my opinion because an addiction or habit requires far less thought for your body to carry out the action or thinking required. It’s almost a form of relief for your brain to not have to think as much about doing something. If you’re having to put less thought into something as you do with an addiction, you are far less likely to keep going off on a new tangent of thought or to have your attention stolen while in the middle of a thought with some new stimuli you notice etc.
- This I believe is because of the enhanced perception, intuition, morals and sense of justice that come with LLI. Things that people usually require first-hand experience to become familiar with, don’t have to be physically experienced by many with low latent inhibition in order for them to reach the same level of accurate thought or efficiency. Of course it is your age that usually determines the number of experiences you have had thus far in life, which is why it may seem sometimes as though someone with LLI are ’13 going on 43′ or as I have so often been told ‘are wise beyond your years’.
- Now I would never say ‘nothing is impossible’ as I believe that with time anything is, yet I have to say I haven’t had any supernatural experiences in terms of seeing angels, or dead people or souls etc., however I have often had people ask me how I am able to know what they’re thinking, or how I knew what they were about to say before they said it etc. I have said many times that I believe some people with low latent inhibition are able to almost read people’s minds due to their sheer accuracy of ‘human thought association mapping’. This is something I am very much interested in as I believe it’s possible to think many sentences ahead in a conversation or to think many thoughts ahead of someone due to the associations they will make from the words used, or that it’s possible to effectively ‘back track’ WHY someone has said what they just have in terms of which thought they had in order for them to say what they did, and the thought before that etc. What I would say here is that I do know many ‘Indigo children’ have been told what their characteristics are or should be by other people at a young age. They have usually always had to have prior knowledge of what they SHOULD expect to see or happen etc. if they are an ‘Indigo child’ as they have been told. E.g. ‘you are an indigo child therefore you can expect to experience some supernatural goings on or to even see angels etc.’ The seed is therefore sewn for many childs imaginations to run wild with. I would be interested to know how many ‘Indigo children’ with no prior knowledge that they are an ‘Indigo child’ have experienced supernatural goings on.
- For most people with low latent inhibition life is extremely draining and can often leave them feeling as though they simply have no energy left at all or are extremely tired. This can be due to the physical implications of LLI such as lack of sleep or forgetting to eat because you get too involved maybe in something, the emotional implications such as being extremely empathetic towards others or having your mood constantly affected by those around you, or the mental exercise type lack of energy which is usually experienced shortly after concentrating all efforts on something in particular such as trying to solve a puzzle. A large number of other people I’ve spoken to with low latent inhibition seem to have a very useful ability to switch between introversion and extroversion in order to regain lost energy or as some put it, to ‘recharge’. In my personal experience I tend to isolate myself after large social interactions such as music gigs, parties, nights out on the town etc. as I feel I need to regain some energy lost due to multiple and increased interactions with others and the stimuli that comes with the people and the situations. As a small example, I know that in my house there will be fewer unpredictable forms of stimuli for my brain to process than in a stadium full of 80’000 people. Therefore I could regain energy in my home but lose energy at the stadium. While I was at the stadium with friends I may seem incredibly extroverted yet when I get back home to my girlfriend I may become extremely introverted for a short while.
- The terminology of that point listed is interesting, ‘independent and proud EVEN IF they are asking you for money’. For many people with LLI, things like money (material possessions) are actually responsible for confining a lot of people or restricting them so that they are unable to do things that others can. I imagine that many people with LLI would find asking a parent for money completely separate to feeling independent or proud. Baring in mind we are talking about children, I imagine most ‘Indigo children’ or children with LLI even as children, will have already come to accept the fact that they will logically have to ask their parents for funding until they are old enough to earn for themselves. I feel number 9 is a bit of a moot point.
- Often due to the increase in empathy felt by those with low latent inhibition. For many it is as though they are HSPs in terms of how they experience the world and the hurt or suffering around them. To break it down in terms easier to understand, people with LLI often play the role of a ‘rescuer’ or someone who wishes to right all wrongs, to save those who can’t save themselves etc. After all if those with LLI have a greatly enhanced attention to detail, can see the world around for how it is in terms of seeing through every lie, noticing all dishonest or manipulative interaction around them between human beings and can see all of the hurt in the world, they will in the end become far more attuned to it all. Noticing this sort of hurt or negativity around them could then affect their own mood so that’s one reason for wanting to ‘help the world in a big way’. The sense of justice that comes with it too would play a huge part here. The Wikipedia page for Highly Sensitive Person can be found HERE
- Totally down to the individuals personality type and other factors such as emotional intelligence. The Carl Jung test or Myers Briggs test can actually provide a great insight into the type of person you’d be in relation to this. The tests can be found HERE (Jung) and HERE (Myers Briggs).
- Another classic trait of low latent inhibition. It is very easy for those with LLI to become bored due mainly to lack of stimulation for their brain. Most tasks, puzzles etc. will be considered ‘too easy’ and as such will not provide enough of a challenge for the individual to feel tested or interested. Another reason for this is because of the extreme speed at which many with LLI can learn new subjects (FAR fewer hours than normal), they will often reach the point where they feel they ‘know enough to suffice’ far sooner than others may. It usually takes something rather spectacular for people with LLI to feel extreme passion or interest in, most things that excite people without LLI just don’t excite people with it. I have corresponded in the past with Professor Anders Ericsson who is responsible for publishing’s relating to expertise and cognitive structure of expert performance and I feel this is relevant. His Wikipedia page is found HERE.
- THE most common misdiagnoses for low latent inhibition itself and the diagnosis that at the age of 7 my parents were told was most likely for myself. It can be very hard to distinguish between LLI and ADHD but I feel the main difference is that people with ADHD have very similar type distractions to people with LLI, except with ADHD the amount of stimuli they are receptive to and therefore connections that they can make are at a reduced level in comparison to people with LLI. Those with ADHD usually do not share the same empathetic side or sensitive nature as those with LLI. The biggest difference that I have noticed is that those with ADHD can’t seem to ever become completely and utterly involved in a thought or a task without at some point becoming distracted, yet with LLI you can become so totally engrossed and engulfed in something that you aren’t receptive to people or goings on around you (maybe answering a question you’ve been asked 2-3 minutes after it was originally asked). I refer to this state usually as ‘reaching the calm in the storm’ or ‘eye of the tornado’.
- I could spend hours writing about this and one of the most common questions I have been asked the last couple of years usually are from people trying to find ways to actually sleep well with low latent inhibition. If you require more information here, please check the forum or the Facebook group as there have been many discussions there relating to this.
- I cannot speak from any personal experience relating to this even though I know very well a few who can. They have their own explanations but I feel that this really does depend on the individual and very heavily relies on environmental factors rather than just having LLI or being an ‘Indigo child’ or not. The most common theme here however has been loneliness and confusion, loneliness in that there really aren’t many others out there who can relate to you or see the world in the same way, and confusion because you’ve probably spent most of your life wondering why you’re so different and can do things that other people can’t. Huge amounts of anxiety can be experienced because of those things.
- & 17. Both of these rely heavily on the empathetic nature of low latent inhibition and the unspoken search to potentially find others out there who are like you, others maybe you can bond with in the same way who see the world through the same lens. Identifying with others who are very much alike can be important as it ensures that you’re not ‘lonely’ in terms of having nobody else out there who understands you or the way you work. That’s why it states on the Indigo children website above that they can often seem ‘antisocial unless in the company of other indigos’. In my opinion that’s because most friendships with people who don’t have low latent inhibition are friendships where they don’t truly know you, what you’re like or the way in which you work etc. They see the world in a totally different way, often missing so much they you might not. If your friends don’t have LLI you probably seem very overly enthusiastic towards things that mildly interest you in their eyes. The equivalent of someone with low latent inhibition being mildly interested in something is probably someone without low latent inhibition who is extremely passionate about that same something, and at the end of the day for many people it’s nice to know that the friends around you share the same passions you do!
So with the above and with all the reading and looking into Indigo children that I’ve done, combined with the fact that for the last two years I have been interacting with many people who’ve come to me with questions about LLI, or people who have been looking to find out if they have it or seek advice, (and even a small group of others with LLI similar to mine in terms of their abilities and traits etc.), I strongly believe that Indigo children are in fact children with low latent inhibition who are able to cope with the amount of stimuli they’re having to process and are as a result very high functioning and attuned to the world.
It’s a very interesting coincidence that that the Wikipedia page on Indigo children found HERE mentions both ‘the relationship to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder’ (most common misdiagnosis of LLI) and also ‘the relationship to autism’ (given that research seems to indicate that those with autism often have LLI but their brains can’t quite handle the load of stimuli they have to process, some predict that it’s IQ levels that dictate whether this is the case or not.
I also know some parents with low latent inhibition who have children also showing the exact same characteristics and traits as listed above in the case of Indigo children, and the parents all showed the same characteristics themselves. This in itself disproves the theory that it is in fact children born of 1978 or later that are indigo children, and that it’s more likely that these type children have been around for a long time. As is the case with so many discoveries, it seems as though technology or psychological knowledge had to ‘catch up’ with the traits exhibited by children before a connection could be made.
I would absolutely welcome and appreciate the thoughts and comments from anyone at all and please feel free to offer any ideas or theories off the back of what I’ve written above. I would be extremely interested to see what any diagnosed indigo children or parents of indigo children think in relation to the traits of low latent inhibition, and likewise what any with low latent inhibition think of the indigo children traits etc.
Please comment below and many thanks for your continued support!
Great article. As to why 1978 (or around there), it may be the introduction of computers. For example I was born in the very late 70s and we had one of the first PCs in 1984. Friends of mine had Spectrums and we were the first children to use BBC micros at school. Later I had access to the internet in 1990, so I hit all these new information technologies bang on. I would guess the Indigo phenomenon is LLI combined/charged with various concepts of our time and technologies that we have grown up with that makes LLIs since the late 70s different from previous generations of LLIs.
WARNING: This is a rather lengthy post, so please bear with me with your LLIness 😛 This a most excellent breakdown of making the connections between ADD/ADHD, indigo children, LLI, autism, etc. I myself was diagnosed with autism when I was 6 years of age. The strange thing however is that the psychologists who diagnosed me both scored me as having above average abstract reasoning and average concrete reasoning. They also suspected my IQ is a lot higher than what I scored (am by nature defiant against authority figures and felt the tests they were performing were pointless and I knew what they were really up to). My IQ that I took on various tests has come out to be around 130 or so. Because of my diagnosis, I was overlooked by a lot of teachers and was even stuck at a preschool-kindergarten reading level until the end of 4th grade. I ended up “teaching” myself how to read essentially. I caught up in my reading comprehension from that of a preschooler essentially to that of a 6th grader’s…. in less than a year (almost the end of 5th grade). It took me less than a year to catch up on several years worth of reading comprehension skills (which I attribute to what I believe is my LLI amongst other things as well). It’s because of my LLI combined with this experience (and other things) that I became ridiculously aware of the other kids who are falling in the cracks within the education system and in society generally speaking.
Throughout my whole life I’ve always struggled with periods of insomnia, getting less sleep than I should, etc. yet also can get energized pretty quickly due to having more mental stimulation than is apparently seen in others (do always feel a sense of tiredness however). I’ve always been considered to be more of a “jack of all trades” because I am “good” at many things, yet find myself being unable to be truly passionate about many things. A lot of this is because I am a rather fast learner (have reached point N by the time my classmates are still discussing point B) and therefore get bored rather quickly with things. It’s sad because at my old job, I became more efficient at doing the job than people who have been in the field for 10-15 years, went to school for 4 years, etc. yet worked there for just short of 2 years because of how my mind works. However, because of my being a fast learner I have found myself reaching the same conclusions as experts in a certain field based on very little information and research just because of my trains of thought processes. Have you ever picked up say a science-based book and got bored quickly because the conclusions the authors came to were merely confirming what you already “knew” beforehand without having much educational background on the subject previously? Reading books for me however tends to merely put my understanding of things into more detailed explanations (kind of like what I’d do with any other stimuli, see the big picture first and work out the details of how the big picture works). It’s kind of sad really because what took those people years and years of research can take people with LLI months or even moments to understand. It sounds really arrogant to say and in that probably sound really bad but it’s the sad truth.
Also, I am curious about something. I’ve always noticed the strangest, small details about people such as the condition of their nails, the overall color of their skin, their behaviors, something about the way their posture looks, etc. and something tells me that they are either developing a disease, will end up developing a certain disease, are experiencing a certain vitamin or mineral deficiency, etc. I’ve asked people about some of their eating habits, if they’ve noticed some weird signs or symptoms, etc. to their surprise and then tell me that yeah I’ve had that happen before and have experienced that but figured it was this or this (after they think about it for a minute or two). Or sometimes they’ll tell me that they are developing a degenerative bone disease they got from their dad and also have a kidney problem (problems which I picked up on based on how they walk, their skin. Do you or anyone else with LLI pick up on those things and come to accurate conclusions of the sort, despite having little understanding of medical or other scientific things? Both me and my sister have picked up on those types of small things and have looked at people and just knew they’re going to develop a disease (and end up being diagnosed with a disease relating to those small details a few years down the road or turns out they actually do have a disease!). I remember things I have noticed about my grandmother with her appearance (condition of her skin, how her voice sounded, etc.) that she was probably going to develop lung cancer or something similar down the road. She ended up dying of lung cancer which had spread to her vocal cords a few years later. Really bizarre yet quite saddening.
As far as MBTI goes, I used to think I am INFJ due to being sensitive, turning inward at times when I feel out of place, can have that “tunnel vision” when on a train of thought (yet am easily distracted at the same time). However, after getting a second opinion and also a further analysis about the cognitive functions and remembering things about myself, I am actually a rather introverted ENTP (in case you were interested). Hey, they are thought to be the most introverted extroverts. Reading stuff about LLI after watching Prison Break including this website really put some things together for me and even my twin sister that the MBTI doesn’t really touch base on (can be misleading since one may think that S types would be more likely to notice the details as opposed to N types [but the reality is that it’s actually the N types who more likely have LLI]).
I wanted to further elaborate as to why the year 1978 of all years is listed as to when Indigo children supposedly started to come into this world. I do not believe however this is limited to just technological and scientific technologies existing, but also political and social changes around that time that come into play. As someone else already mentioned, it could have had something to do with the development of digital technology within that time period (late 70s-mid 80s and of course the era we’re in now). A few communications technologies, such as cell phones were starting to arise near this time period. Also, if you think about it information started to become rapidly available in the upcoming years after that. Perhaps it is because of being more exposed to such technologies alongside with how people with LLI are naturally wired they became even more efficient with how quickly they learn, how they quickly make connections that seem “loose” to other people, etc. that has contributes to the “rise” of Indigo children or perhaps simply their pre-existing traits being more pronounced.
At the same time, I think because of political events (such as the Watergate Scandal a few years previous to 1978) people started to question the government, its intentions, etc. The world stopped being as simple as raising 2-3 or so children and having a house with blue shutters, a picket fence following the edges of the nicely maintained lawn, having a Labrador retriever, and having an intense yet shallow daily gossip session over coffee or tea with your neighbors when people started to learn about world leaders’ dirty deeds more often and more swiftly. People also started to learn more and more over time about how corrupt the federal government really is, how crooked cops are, etc. One older relative of mine recognizes that younger people today live in a world today where cops, teachers, and other leaders are no longer trustworthy because of how much corruption they are aware of that previous generations were not. Perhaps this awareness of the lies and corruption found in a lot of authority figures (be it teachers, parents, police officers, etc.) is a reason why indigo children are thought to be rebels (and because they know of better ways of doing things due to being more aware of details and come to conclusions much quicker than other people). Have you ever noticed how much work it seems to take for most people just to stay informed with the real story behind the B/S headlines found in the mainstream media (yet people with LLI and/or are Indigos seem to just “know”)?
I have also read about how people who grew up in unstable homes (can’t speak for all people with LLI and/or are considered to be Indigo children) are more adept at seeing the lies in people, due to “picking up on things” other people who are more “trusting” or “oblivious” would overlook (thus are unable to “ignore” various details to draw conclusions about one’s intentions for example). Apparently by the mid 70s, many states in the US have adopted no fault divorce laws (said that the number of marriages decreased significantly and divorce rates also raised in a significant amount as these laws became more popular along with the rise of women becoming more “independent”). This could account for the increase rise of various “disorders”, due to there being less “stability” in the home. I’m not at all suggesting that women gaining independence is a bad thing or that people with miserable marriages should stay together but what I am saying is that may be children who are more sensitive and need that stability (and let’s be honest, a lot of children need lots of stability but not all) don’t do well in homes with say one parent or parents who both work and are home less frequently.
May be all this possibly made more already sensitive people even more aware and far more in-tuned to their environment and in the world around them (or made this trait in them more pronounced). Of course, people like this have been around for ages, although have probably been noticed in higher numbers because of the political, technological, social, and other factors of the sort transpiring in the world starting around that time period. If you want to get more into conspiracy theories, I tend to believe that the chemicals we started to get more exposed to in our foods, drinks, food containers, in the air, etc. over time could have altered more people’s DNA therefore there are more “disorders” floating around in attempts to explain the changes in people’s behaviors in such high numbers. That however is a whole other discussion.
I know this is a lot of reading but I am curious as to what your personal thoughts are on what I’ve said. Perhaps there’s also been a rise in indigo children and those with LLI due to there being some kind of collective consciousness that is aware of some much needed changes, thus the “leaps” in the human race’s evolution (ex. more people with LLI arising, more indigo children coming to this planet, etc.).
Omg. I read all the above. And all are yes. And you don’t know how happy I am to Finally find the answer if it. Or maybe you do. I’m 22 going to 23 this may. Art and creativity, I really like it. I like to play music keep guitar, keyboard, sometimes sing. I love to draw and all. I love to write poem of compose song. Lot of people find me weird, and some of it misunderstood me. It’s really hard yo communicate sometimes. For that, it cause me labelled as a weirdo and isolation. But then.. at the same time.. I find I have lots of friend and people who are drawn to me..
Growing up changed me a lot. Like adapting at the community around me. Mostly I kept my thought inside and diary only.
IQ lol..hmm. I always score high at school, one of the best students. And now I am a medical student.
Seeing a soul? Oh yeah. I always do. When I was a kid. Dead people, angel, ghost. And again plus point for me supporting my crazy label. Oh yeah.. and Im a lucid dreamer or sometime I dream few things that will happen in the future. Sometimes.
A lot of things in my mind now… Hell every day! My mind can’t stop spinning it wheels. And it seems that it won’t stop until of course if I die. Even when doing something, I just can’t. Going to sleep.. It really hard to make it all go away. Instead I will just read some book or listen to music or sometimes self hypnotize to sleep.
In self hypnotize, I find that I can easily tell my brain to do this and that, making it easy for me to hypnotize myself. Only when I really want to do it and will it.
Emphaty. Yes. It’s quite strong before until I learn how to shut it. Brain game. But after reading all of these. I open it up again.. maybe I never shut it.. maybe I just ignore it. When I touch.. it maunified the feeling. Like few years back.. I was shaking Hand with an old man that often came to church..a mysterious one.when I touch his hand.. all of the feeling came to like a strong blowing wind.. all over part of my body. His sadness.. his pain.. God! It was too much but I can still handle it. Seriously having your own emotion your own problem suddenly loaded with other people feeling. That is really hard. I saw a strip of film.. he was kneeling, laying his hand on the plain surface of the chair. Crying. Then next moving picture was he was sitting on a chair.. wearing a sad face. And his emotion was lonely. He was alone. My grip was tighten. And I looked at the old man around 70’s, whitish hair..and said, it will be okay. He was puzzled then nodded and enter the church. Hahaha how crazy was that. I told my parental and they , just pray for the man and I did. He didn’t showed up to church for one year. Until one day.. two beautiful woman Came with him, accompanying him. After the masses was over. The pastor went to talk to them. I was sitting next to them.. they were sorry for not able to bring their father to the church. Because he was confine by their mother.. and it took a lot of time just to take their father back. Funny thing that why he was locked like a prisoner because he always come to church and the wife didn’t like it. And my vision was answered.
My intuition never failed me. I have a strong will, considering all what I’ve been through in these 23 years.. I still can stand tall and strong. I was changed by the course of life and my own misleaded stubbornness. But few months back before reading any of these.. I come to my sense. I shouldn’t denied all of me before and now.. I shouldn’t have listen to people to be just like them.. because I am not just like them. I am more. It give me more..
Hmm what else huh.. oh yeah! One thing.. I always find that I was more sensitive about everything around me. Pain. Or the view in front of me. Forest, river, snow, mountains, the sea.. every time I see.. an extraordinary feeling filled me. Every details, that other people skipped.. I savour and glued it in my mind. The smell, the touch.. the taste the sound.. it was like it was half ticklish and Half caressing me. A wonderful feeling. I’m glad I was given this gift.
this is not simply just an awareness.. I know it Is more.. and I believe it doesn’t involved what we eat drink and all. It was the universe… it is changing.. that far I know.
Thank you for all of the information. Thank you for sharing.. as much maybe some want to vomit or find it ridiculous.. and come to conclusion Im crazy l.. believe me. I walk through that path everyday and I did it before you do.
Hi thanks for reading
I’m almost 16 and from Northern Ireland.
I have never met another child with low Latin inhibition nor have I been diagnosed with it but after a few years of feeling different from other people I decided to look into possible mental disorders like ADHD or autism. After reading through there diagnosis’ I wasn’t convinced! I have always felt that I was different because people think I’m strange by the way I would conduct a conversation with someone. I would have linked a story he told me to this one or noticed that he had redone his tie and would ask him if he did sports or any activity. And this is only in school. At home I play games on my computer like minecraft and I also code for fun. I find my creative abilities useful in maths also were I visualize the question in my head and link it with the equation. I told my girlfriend that I felt slightly different and asked her to check out this site. She was amazed to find some replies be so similar to what I had told her. I would love to her your views on my reply thanks
For a long time I’ve been trying to solve the puzzle of myself. I have been researching everything from autism to psychopathy in hopes of finding a profile that fit my personality. I looked into autism but found it only described a part of me, whilst the rest couldn’t be further off. My big break came from a thing I love, netflix. I love to watch things that test my brain. I can’t really enjoy films and shows where I can predict almost everything that happens, so shows like death note and game of thrones have been a nice relief which lead to them being watched many times over. But when I was forced to watch prison break I found my big break. It was the first time I heard of LLI and something clicked. Upon finding this website I found my puzzle solved. Reading the pros and cons was similar to reading a horoscope, only this one didn’t just fit everyone vaguely, it fit me perfectly (other then the second driving part). I want to thank all those who spent and spend there time on this website as now I don’t feel so lost in this glass world of ours.
This article is very interesting as I actually grew up in a very spiritual family (which was most likely caused due to one of my parents having lower then usual latent inhibition and using the theories of spiritualists to explain themselves, just as this article finds many similarities between the two. In fact in many religious and spiritual beliefs I find links to science and psychology which have been warped by archaic imagination). I belief you have hit the nail on the head with this, it all fits together very nicely. The 1978 thing is a puzzle, I’d imagine that it’s most likely due to the fact that this was the time of the technological ‘genesis’. If children had to be born after this time it stands to reason that they would have access to a larger amount of stimuli then the generation before as computers and television began to expand at this point. Games consoles also began to pick up as well. With all these different mediums to learn from you can not only learn new things, but also different ways of thinking. Due to the fact they would be growing up as technology grows they’d get to experience not just more because of the technology, but they would also see how the technology itself has progressed. If these children have low latent inhibition then they would likely follow the growth of the technology and learn how and why this happened. They’d see how this technology begins to connect with each other to form new things, thus learning new creative trains of thought. With the growth you would also get better communication then before and have access to learning materials about a vast number of things that couldn’t be accessed before. New television channels would have different shows, different characters, different moralities. They could get a view of the world outside of what there parents and teachers taught them. They would see the rise of massive corporations, see advertising, see different cultures, observe new trends. And then came the internet. I also think that this rise in technology has helped with the decline of religion (at least in England) which has lead to a wider use of critical thinking which would have been frowned upon before this time. So in other words all of us born after this time have all the stimuli we need. In fact in our current age we have far to much, so much so that we as a species tend to spend all our time on trivial things and we have a habit of counteracting boredom with the unimportant. Saying this I have only a vague knowledge of the growth of computers, gaming and TV. I also haven’t looked into any spiritual events around this time that the spiritualists would likely try and link to indigo children. So it could very well be irrelevant. Very interesting read, I look forward to reading the rest of this post and all of your future posts.
Yeesh. I’m trying to learn about LLI and this new age crap is really turning me off. Some therapist told my mom she thought I was “indigo” when I was too young to remember. Basically I’m a very empathetic highly functioning autist. But alas… I’m not so arrogant as to think that means I’m from space. Sorry guys, I know you’re passionate…
On LLI. Curious if you think I’m uninhibited? Here’s a stream of consciousness for you. The way LLI is described as a sort of high where everything is super clear and vivid… that’s not me. I’m oversensitive to smells and tastes…. and musically attuned, but the former is probably just aspie stuff. I’m trying to get over it. I’m also not very observant of the world around me. Someone can get their hair cut and I wont notice for two weeks because I never remember what their hair looked like in the first place. I can’t say the color of peoples eyes off the top of my head. I have absolutely NO spacial memory. However, I’m very keen on details. I find typos in documents that my teachers have been using for years. I have an amazing memory. But, I’m not “at a higher level of consciousness” to the world. I’m barely even present. My head is always in the clouds… I’m always skimming, going from day to day. I literally live to absorb information, it’s hedonistic. Following current events, reading, research, they make me feel alive. Naturally I neglect important things… and I’m a highly anxious (and occasionally depressed person). I had terrible ADHD when I was younger, peaking when I was nine. I was also an insomniac. Since then I’ve gotten much better on both counts, but of course I still don’t feel normal. I’m always seeking… almost never content except with a few people I love. One way I do relate to LLI, I’m extremely curious. I’m more guilty of playing the “why” game with my mother than any child… and if I know that someone is holding back from me, I feel as if I’ve missed out on a universe of possibilities. If you’re familiar with developmental psych my “imaginary audience” is extremely strong. In a bad way. When I was five I refused to wear my halloween costume for a picture because it wasn’t halloween yet so I was embarassed. How weird is that? But I’m not fast in the way LLI people are supposed to be. Well, I’ll correct that? Fast? Yes. My working memory is 135. But… my processing speed, which should correlate closely with working memory, is a mere 97. It’s very bizarre…. I think fast, talk fast… and yet I don’t act fast. In the moment I’m frozen. The most horrifying thing to me is that a few years ago my processing speed was 118. Thats over 1.5 standard deviations of difference. Totally insane. My own mind is an enigma to me. My thoughts are totally chaotic, almost never linear… I can be an adept systemizer in some scenarios (maths/sciences/etc) but unfiltered I’m practically schizophrenic. Mind you I’m pretty medicated, it’s way worse when I’m not. But my ability to self-regulate cognitively, and to think ahead, has only regressed since I’ve gotten older. My verbal is 150 and visuospacial is 135. Ie 142. (Regardless I don’t care for IQ.) Yes, I am creative, I’ll give myself that. Intuitive too. But those are just character traits. It’s not the altered manner of being that LLI is described as…
So, yeah. Your thoughts? Shrink me!
Sorry to disagree but I fit the profile you’ve provided and I was born in ’54. I would say that, yes, computerization of the world has probably somewhat stimulated these traits but I can’t say it created them.
I wonder what I, as a parent, can do to help and encourage my child who has LLI.
This is long-winded but I might as well put it all out there in case one of you have gone through something similar and if some of you have any advice.
My son is 9 years old. At the age of 4, he was officially diagnosed with ADHD. Then commenced the roller coaster ride of several different strains of medication and countless dosage variations to which he had severe adverse side effects. It got so bad he went into psychosis and was hospitalized by day for 5 months. Out he came with an official diagnosis of an unspecified psychotic disorder. Antipsychotic medication followed. Again, with adverse side effects. He was placed in a (truly wonderful) pathopsychology class where there are only 5 to 7 students and a team of specialized personel at his school. He does not have a learning disability. What triggered all of this is his constant need to interact, ask questions- more often than not, random and totally off topic questions and statements. Also, his constant need to physically move, touch, listen to, and look at everything in his surrounding. This all transpired as a serious lack of focus and hyperactivity. The school was worried if he continued like this, his academic progress could be deeply affected. He was academically suited to be placed back into a regular classroom but his disruptions and constant need to be brought back to task in order to succeed prevent him from functioning in a regular setting. His psychiatrist took him off his medication and had him go through another round of evaluations. He was then given an official diagnosis of Autism. We were directed to organizations, resources, research, etc. to learn how to have him develop his potential to the fullest. He took Risperdone. Everything was well except the school wanted to try to get a better grasp on how we, as a community, might be able to help him focus. If we could just get him to focus, he’d be top of his class in a regular classroom. So again, his psychiatrist took him off the medication and had him go through an extensive multi-session evaluation given by the neuro-psychologist. THIS MORNING we had a meeting with the school therapist, the Principal and the medical team at the psychiatric hospital. Turns out my son does not have ADHD. Turns out he does not have a psychotic disorder. Turns out he does not have Autism. On paper, he seemed to meet many if not most of the criteria for each of these conditions but there were always contradicting factors and character traits that simply conflicted with each profile. We now learn that he is above average intelligence, especially in his spatiovisual surroundings and mathematics. We also learn that what translated as a lack of focus and hyperactivity is in fact low latent inhibition. His psychiatrist has ordered an brain EKG and an MRI. She explained that now that we know what is going on, we might as well try and see what the source is. It might be a lesion in the brain, it might be a neurological issue, we don’t know. What matters is that my son is med-free, happy and thriving in his present classroom setting (even if not focused enough according to the staff). Until today, I had never heard of LLI. The little I did find on the subject totally describes my son. TOTALLY. Now what? How do I help him function in a normalized world without suppressing who he is? Are there any resources for kids with LLI? His mind is so full and constantly active, we must endlessly bring him back on task. He does beautifully but if there wasn’t an adult to constantly bring him back to task, all would be lost. He is seeing an occupational therapist next week to see if there are any resources he can use to manage his sensory stimulati levels.
Excellent information provided. It’s so fascinating.
Thanks to everyone
its interesting-,to me the driving thing being in pros and cons is the first thing i ask people who i feel fit the criteria to think about, I have got Away from 3 cops in the past and a helicopter, scoring, but at the same time i can drive into the back of a car preoccupied being late etc-To me that is a true form of it.The rest is a little repetitive and is not moving forward as i thought it would-scientifically-yes money etc is a limitation but if we do not actively identify people who you know quickly will say yes or contemplate pros and cons questions, and talk to them about it we are gaining nothing. I have learnt so much about how childhoods, drugs, anger sadness experiences etc, influence people i test-with lli pros and cons,they can identify with my knowledge of them and that helps them identify-though i play low key,
I document stuff and ask them to write in stating their thoughts, They don’t generally as it is too staid,
But we have 5000 diagnosed -i guess-people with lli, self diagnosed often- or empaths finding a reason,, we need info , feedback-we need to market this brain mismatch, and then data becomes information,Lets move on.
the other thing is self belief- i went to private school boarding at 8, became a sportsman as it was the best route, but it took its toll ensuring you were popular, and took confidence away-do they like me etc, and hanging with older kids was amust,
so i study people as a resut,but wildlife etc, no and i ve tried, its creativity- i write reems of poetry in deep need to but creativity is an arty farty thing, and the correlation is watering down thinking about things, that matter-so its raining -its not good or bad its just another wet day, people are the twists, and working in addictions its all to easy to see through, but getting with them is so easy as you know why they are there and know its not lli -they wouldnt be in rehab if they had lli.solets concentrate on people and help them know why they are the way there even if we cant say how we cure it
However i met trong candidte the other day and i showed her ss he was there showing signs so real,-i persuaded her the new knowledge she embraced was a test to see if we become normal if drugs could mend us- she said lets stay as we are-but what would normal be-a abotomy?Or a reprieve?time may tell.