Published on July 21st, 2013 | by Dale Webb
Radical Openness – Jason Silva
Jason Silva has one of the most incredible minds I’ve seen at work ever. He is constantly making connections and drawing inferences from things that the majority of our population doesn’t ever consider. His style is so characteristic of low latent inhibition – rapid and animated vocal expression of thought processes without the need to pause to gather his thoughts as they come to him. The nature of low latent inhibition being that one idea will often then lead to 5 more and those 5 to 5 more etc is where it’s believed that the high IQ in an individual is necessary. Imagine the cycle of having to process all of that data continuously in response to an increased stimuli awareness, knowing that the more you process the more you will have to continue to process.
The style and passion with which he delivers his short films or as they are more commonly known “‘shots of philosophical espresso” resonates low latent inhibition and his extremely unique approach and outlook on subjects including evolution, inner workings of the human mind, technology, interpreting patterns in the world around us really are an inspiration to many including myself.
What’s more is that when we’ve corresponded briefly via e-mails, he is always very receptive, friendly and a genuinely nice and interesting guy.
This is one of his short films in which he speaks about ‘radical openness’.