I never knew there was anyone out there but me until today. I have no doubt that I am /have LLI, it’s me. I have no doubt. I am so use to it that I use it to my advantage. I knew I was special, and, I am.
With low latent inhibition, an individual can almost treat familiar stimuli in the same manner as they would new stimuli. Think of the details you notice when you see something new for the first time and how it grabs your attention. From that all kinds of questions may arise in your mind. “What is that, what does it do, why is it there, what does it mean, how can it be utilised” and so on. More......
This website was created by a group of people living with LLI, that have come together to try to provide useful and relevant information to anyone who seeks it. We have done so due to the lack of readily available material or research in the area; which results in not only a high number of misdiagnoses but also makes learning to live with low latent inhibition an extremely challenging experience. More......
I never knew there was anyone out there but me until today. I have no doubt that I am /have LLI, it’s me. I have no doubt. I am so use to it that I use it to my advantage. I knew I was special, and, I am.