Published on April 28th, 2013 | by Dale Webb
7Natalie Marsh – An empath with low latent inhibition
This is a small insight into the world of an empath, and how low latent inhibition as a trait can influence the ability.
An Empath with Low Latent Inhibition
by Natalie Marsh
What is Low Latent Inhibition? I will leave you to figure that out by looking through the rest of the website. If you haven’t already, begin by watching the brief description video – a clip from Prison Break, as it happens.
What is an Empath? Well, a simple, logical explanation would define them as people who operate mostly or even entirely through empathy. Feeling empathy allows you to understand something or someone deeply, and to resonate with that object or individual. Someone with this ability will feel extremely in-tune with certain aspects of the world. Here is a list of traits:
The difference between your average Joe and an Empath, however, is how often that connection occurs. Nearly every human being is capable of empathy, but they tend to use it on a limited spectrum of interaction with the world. Feeling in-tune with a significant other or pet is considered normal. Some people may even extend it to their friends and acquaintances. There is always a limit, though – and for a majority of the population it doesn’t go far.
As many here may already know, LLI can be a blessing and a curse. We all have our positive and negative moments. Just two days ago I couldn’t handle any extra noise, and yesterday I wanted absolutely nothing to do with other people. Rest, for body and mind, is necessary at some point for everyone – but those who have LLI have to pay much closer attention to their energy levels.
An Empath with LLI is even more complicated! Experiencing empathy (emotional stimuli from every direction) and LLI (sensory stimuli from every direction) 24/7/365 creates a lovely sort of chaos. It is my belief that most of those who happen to be Empaths with LLI suffer greatly, and often succumb to mental health issues. The reality is that someone with one condition or the other can, over time, adapt appropriately; when you have both, though, you’re going to be tested beyond your capacity incessantly.
Just yesterday I was required to attend a court hearing. The case load in that county is astronomical, so they have to put 40 or so cases on the afternoon calendar – which means that you’re likely sitting in a courtroom with people who have high levels of anxiety for far too long. I was in that room with nearly 100 others for almost three hours. My mind processed the environment, the sounds and smells, and every detail regarding the people around me, including body language. On top of that, my Empath abilities allowed me to feel everything they were feeling all at once, and to discern the intent of each person there.
As time wore on, the levels of anxiety increased. When they finally called me up to the stand, I was so tense I didn’t hear them say my name. It was then that I realized that I was allowing all of that information to sort of swirl around in my mind without a destination. I’m not in court often, or any social situation that involves that sort of emotional load, so it will take some work before I’ll be able to sit through something like that without becoming overwhelmed. Keep this in mind, though: I’ve had over 20 years of experience. What would happen to a person who, inexplicably and without method, was suddenly gifted with these abilities without the experience?
There are pros and cons to every aspect of the human condition. Being an Empath with LLI isn’t always a walk in the park, but I wouldn’t give it up if the opportunity arose. Millions of positive moments have existed in my life solely because of those two conditions. Not only do they allow me to see the beauty around me, they have allowed me to help countless people.
One talent I have always possessed is the ability to read potential in anything or anyone. Seeing something like that everywhere you turn allows for an incredible amount of creativity. As always, there are far too many examples to state for an article. The first one that comes to mind is when I was in elementary school. I spent many hours every week just walking through the woods, which happened to be full of pine trees. All of those green needles on the ground looked to me like wasted potential, so I learned to weave baskets and other things with them.
Reading potential in people is a bit different, though it does sometimes involve creativity. Over the years I’ve learned to coach those who want to improve their lives, but don’t know where to start. What seems to me to be self-evident is often a mystery to another person. For instance, one of my co-workers is an incredible performer. She loves to be in the spotlight, and has a fascination with Burlesque. I pointed this out to her and asked why she is working in a candy store when she could be dancing for millions of people every year. She replied that she never noticed her talent.
Overall, it is my opinion that this combination shouldn’t be dropped on just anyone. It takes a certain sort of person to handle all of the sensory and emotional stimuli while continuing to function normally in life. Anyone who is unable to handle this tsunami of information would end up with an extremely low quality of life.
Do you know an Empath, or even an Empath with LLI? Could you be one? This quiz is short and decent:
You must know how much this article means to me. To have someone else understand where I am coming from, makes me feel absoltely comfortable with my own skin. I am 22 years old and I have wasted years of my young life trying to understand why I feel the strong empathy that I do, but beyond that…Trying to embrace my differences. People are thrown back by me, but I haven’t always liked it that way. It’s not an easy burden to carry, might I add. I feel privdelged, I’d be the first to tell you, but kids my age don’t understand. Nor do many adults. It’s very difficult to be so intuitive. I don’t see through every obstacle and interaction I have with people, but I do see through most of their lies and deceptions. I’ve learned to let though things go! But, I have still found myself crying at the days end, because of someone elses loss/misfortune. It would be a major understatement if I told you I needed emotional healing. But, it would be even greater of an understatement if I told you it would be fixed within a snap of the fingers.
I’m curious, how do you deal? I feel as if the world is heavy and on my shoulders. Luckily, I find relief when I sing and when I perform wtih improv. But, I can’t quite get all these ‘demonds’ from resting on my shoulders. Though, they’ll never be in my heart.
sending love and good vibes your way,
Hali Trainor
This resonates with me very much. I have known I was an empath for a few years, but this LLI concept is very intriguing. I have been wondering why I am overwhelmed with sensory information, hearing and seeing multiple things all at once, simultaneously processing and synthesizing information at a speed that exceeds “normal”. Understanding the motives of others in such an intuitive way. It is intense, but I am learning how to shut it off. Coffee makes it worse. I become dizzy with sensory input multiple times a day. I have profound realizations and ideas. I notice if anything changes, and why that change occurred. I memorize things through seeing or touching them, and just “know” things about places, items, situations, and people. I would love to talk to Natalie Marsh, if that is possible or if she has a website or any other information would someone please let me know? Thanks 🙂
Hi Christy,
You posted back in August and I’m just seeing it but I wanted to reply. Have you looked into giftedness and also dyslexia. I am not assuming you have these traits but I think it’s extremely helpful to learn about them. Many people with LLI and or Empaths are gifted with overexcitabilities and they don’t even know it. I just found out and I am 47 years old. Are you an Idealist? Do you see things the way they should be when everyone else is unaware? I have made it my mission to help others like me who struggle and are confused with no help. You may know all about what I have mentioned here but if you don’t I would be happy to send you resources, titles of books that changed my life. I would be happy to give you my email too if you like. Natalie Marsh has a Facebook. I’m sure you could contact her there.
Does it mean that an empath with LLI could also be very smart? Understanding wise?
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I was diagnosed LLI years ago with high intelligence. My therapist also diagnosed me as having high empathy and PTSD. I took your quiz and it says I’m a high healer who is pretty much sick. My doctors thinks I Have Lupus, but I always test negative. Do you think I could just be taking other people’s health problems(unknowingly). As Lupus mimicks many diseases, I thought I was a hypochondriac but that’s been ruled out because I have had acute organ problems, having to be hospitalized for them. But everyone of my symptoms mimicks the people around me. So when I’m alone or around healthier people, I feel good. I know your not a doctor, just wondering if high healers have this problem. I don’t know what it means to be a healer, wish I had help. Sorry it’s a long post. Have a great and loving day. Thank you!
Fascinating. Thank you for sharing. I do not want to be a person that jumps on the bandwagon saying ‘I have this, or that’ — but this explains everything in my life! I work with people, it is an intuitive job, and I seem to be very VERY good at it. People I meet have ‘Never met someone like’ me in their lives, never bonded with someone or connected at the level I offer. I think it is because I feel their feelings, adapt and meet their needs. Then, from what I call intuition (but perhaps LLI) I process things about them and understand/notice what will work for them.
It is mind blowingly exciting. The one thing I really struggle with is visual and audible sensory overload. Someone tapping a pen in my peripheral vision can create such inner turmoil within me! Seeing it and hearing it, repeated and processing it constantly. I would say has been impossible to navigate. Asking them to stop or removing myself is the only thing that negates the pressure building inside me.
Meeting someone with LLI threw and inspired me — it was like I was feasting on their energy and perception. Rather than being drained by the majority of societies outlook on life. Usually people drain me and I replenish by being around nature or taking alone time, but with an LLI individual – the experience was the opposite.